展商名称 高碑店市金川乐器箱包制造有限责任公司
Company Name
地址 河北省保定市高碑店市白沟新工业城兴胜大街
Address Xingsheng street,Industrial City, Baigou, Baoding, Hebei , China
电话 0312-2884870
传真 0312-2956870
网址 www.jinchuanxb.com
电子邮箱 jcxblove8866@163.com
展馆号 1号馆一层B/HALL1B
展位号 1B302
产品简介 公司是集研发、生产、销售为一体的生产型企业,品牌为“金川”。专业生产各种乐器包装(民族乐器包与西洋乐器包)、吉他背带、萨克斯背带,也面向国内外承揽各种异型包的生产。
Introduction Our company focuses on designing, manufacturing and selling musical instrument bags. We specialize in manufacturing all kinds of musical instrument bags,including both eastern and western musical instrument bags,guitar straps, sax straps and so on.We can also manufacture special shaped bags both at home and abroad.