展商名称 横滨乐器音响(上海)有限公司
Company Name Yokohama Musical Instruments (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
地址 上海市闵行区都会路2501号2幢2楼
Address 2/F, Building 2, 2501, DuHui Road, Minhang District, Shanghai
电话 021-34174558
网址 www.fokoyama.com
电子邮箱 brand@yokohama.ltd
展馆号 3号馆/HALL3
展位号 3H001
产品简介 FOKOYAMA(富弘雅马)是日本知名钢琴品牌,自创立以来,FOKOYAMA始终走专业院校路线,专业为日本各大钢琴教育学院及机构提供精工制作的各型号钢琴。为日本钢琴家培养出一批又一批的优秀钢琴家及从业者。2005年,FOKOYAMA登录中国,同时,也走出院校,面向广大的普通家庭、个人钢琴爱好者,旨在传递钢琴文化,以专业级精工制作水准制造高级别钢琴,服务于广大消费者!
Introduction Fokoyama is a famous Japanese piano brand. Since its inception, Fokoyama has always taken the path of professional colleges and universities, and professionally provides various pianos produced by various major piano education institutes and institutions in Japan. A group of outstanding pianists and practitioners have been trained for Japanese pianists. In 2005,Fokoyama entered China, and at the same time, it also walked out of colleges and universities, facing the general family and individual piano lovers, aiming to transmit piano culture and manufacturing high-level pianos with professional-grade production standards to serve the majority of consumers!