展商名称 河北高碑店永峰皮件厂
Company Name Hebei Gaobeidian Yongfeng Musical bag factory
地址 河北省保定市白沟新城工业区
Address Hebei city of Baoding province Baigou Industrial Zone
电话 0312-2889065
传真 0312-2889065
网址 www.hbyongfeng.net
电子邮箱 hbyongfeng@sina.com
展馆号 2号馆
展位号 2G003
产品简介 本厂专业生产乐器包及背带,注册品牌“摇滚玫瑰”我厂地处白沟箱包基地,物美价廉,交通便捷,可代工。
Introduction The factory specializing in the production of the instrument package and strap, registered brand "rock rose", our factory is located in Baigou luggage base, high quality and inexpensive, convenient transportation, can be oem.