展商名称 河南海龙乐器有限公司
Company Name Henan Hailong Musical Co.,Ltd.
地址 郑州市郑东新区聚源路与宏图街交叉口
Address Juyuan road,Hongtu street,New district east zhengzhou city,Henan Province,China.
电话 0371-68092129
传真 0371-66282182
网址 www.serturmusic.com
电子邮箱 handinhandmusic@126.com
展馆号 1号馆一层B
展位号 1B508
产品简介 本公司主要生产和销售各种铜管、木管类乐器以及配件。公司名下的萨尔特、曼斯顿、威尔斯曼等品牌管乐器以卓越的产品质量和售后服务现已赢得了海内外专业人士以及音乐爱好者的一致认可。欢迎各界人士来我公司洽谈业务。
Introduction Our products include brass,wood wind and accessories.Our SERTUR,MANSDONE,WELLSMAN wind instruments have been commonly recognized by people home and abroad because of its excellent quality and perfect after-sale service.Welcome to our company and cooperate with us.