展商名称 《乐器》杂志社
Company Name China Musical Instrument Information Center Musical Instrument magazine
地址 北京市朝阳区南新园西路甲6号
Address A6 Nanxinyuan West St. Chaoyang District, Beijing 100122,China
电话 +86 10 87327677
网址 www.cmii.com.cn
电子邮箱 Yueqi@vip.126.com
展馆号 3号馆
展位号 3F001
产品简介 《乐器》杂志由中国轻工业联合会主管,国家轻工业乐器信息中心、中国乐器协会主办的国内乐器行业公开出版、海内外发行的科技类音乐教育刊物。
Introduction Musical Instrument is a technology music education publication run by China Light Industry Federation, sponsored by National Light Industry Instruments Information Center and Chinese Musical Instruments Association, and distributed at home and abroad.