展商名称 广州初音乐器贸易有限公司
Company Name Guangzhou Chuyin Musical Instruments Trading Co. ,Ltd.
地址 广州白云区新市镇清湖村大布路68号四楼
Address No.68 Dabu Road,Qinghu village,Junhe Street,Baiyun district,Guangzhou
电话 020-36007587
传真 020-36007587
网址 chuyinyueqi.gd.isitecenter.cn/page1
电子邮箱 845081393@qq.com
展馆号 2号馆
展位号 2E004
产品简介 广州初音乐器是一家集吉他生产批发与销售的综合型企业。旗下拥有Finks&Five&Gusen三个自主品牌一百多种款吉他,是琴行和培训老师的最佳合作伙伴。公司网址http://chuyinyueqi.gd.isitecenter.cn/page1电话020-36007587
Introduction Guangzhou Chuyin Musical Instrument Co. is a collection of guitar production and wholesale of integrated enterprise. We owned Finks & Five & Gusen three independent brands and more than 100 styles of guitar, we are the best partner for the musical store and training center. Company Website: http://chuyinyueqi.gd.isitecenter.cn/page1 Tel: 020-36007587