展商名称 FRANKE Violins
Company Name
地址 Rheinstrasse 73 WIESBADEN
Address Rheinstrasse 73 WIESBADEN
电话 +49-611-377 791
网址 www.franke-violinen.de; www.thailand-violin.com
展馆号 4号馆
展位号 4D010
产品简介 FRANKE家传四代,打造精致的弦乐器。我们的专业服务获世界各地的音 乐家和投资者信任。我们提供来自意大利、法国、英国和德国各地的精致 乐器。我们制造真正的乐器和琴弓,保证演奏的最佳状态。我们所有精选 琴弓均获顶级专家认证。我们的工场包办乐器和琴弓的维修保养,位于德 国、泰国和印尼。我们乐于为您提供协助。
Introduction Already for four generations, the FRANKE family serves in the field of fine string instruments. Our professional service is trusted by musicians and investors around the world. We have a wide selection of fine instruments from Italy, France, England and Germany. We guarantee that you will find authentic instruments and bows in the best playing condition. All our masterpieces in our best selected bow collection are certify by top experts. Our workshops take care of restauration, repair and maintenance of your instruments and bows. We are located in Germany, Thailand and Indonesia. We are most happy to assist you.