展商名称 西安天使提琴厂
Company Name Xi'an angel violin factory
地址 陕西省西安市洪庆工业园东区23号
Address 23 East Industrial Park, Hongqing, Baqiao, Xi'an,Shaanxi
电话 029-83314092
网址 www.angelsstrings.com
电子邮箱 angelstringxian@hotmail.com
展馆号 4号馆 / HALL 4
展位号 4E004
产品简介 西安天使提琴厂是美国独资公司,生产高级大、中、小提琴及高级琴盒,采用上乘欧洲及国内自然干燥多年材料制作,工艺考究,尤以为小提琴演奏家制作仿古琴享誉世界,音色可与高级古琴媲美。独家代理欧洲“猎料者”高级小提琴背板,是欧洲枫木最佳选择。
Introduction Xi'an angel violin factory is the branch of head office in U.S.A., managing all kinds of professional violins, violas, cellos and cases, selecting high quality European and China's materials dried for many years, and providing excellent workmanship. Especially it is well known of the world in the antique varnish instruments for professional violinists and artists. The sound is equal to the old violins. In addition we are agent to sell the "MAPLE HUNTER" -the back of violin, of Europe. It is best choose for maples of Europe.