展商名称 广州市花都区新雅青华电子厂
Company Name Guangzhou Huadu Xinya Qinghua Electronics Factory
地址 广州市花都区新雅街布心路26号
Address No. 26 Buxin Road, Xinya Street, Huadu District, Guangzhou
电话 020-36808708
传真 020-36808708
网址 www.chinaqhh.com
电子邮箱 294523690@qq.com
展馆号 2号馆 / HALL 2
展位号 2D009
产品简介 我厂是专业生产与经销“青华皇”牌乐器及配件的电子厂,主要产品有卡红鼓,卡淋巴,吉他背带。吉他拾音器、小提琴拾音器和音频联接线等。产品用于將普通木吉他,小提琴和民乐无损伤改装成电声乐器。产品经国家轻工业乐器质量监督检测中心(广州)检验合格,性能优质,执行标准Q/(HJ)QH01,并获准多个国家专利设计。本厂坚持“质虽第一.用户至上,格守信誉,精诚服务"的宗旨,贏得众多客户的信赖和支持,产品销往国内外。欢迎新老客户惠顾合作、共同发展。
Introduction Our factory is specialized in the production and distribution of "Qinghua Huang" card red drum, card lymph instruments and accessories of the electronic factory, the main products are guitar pickup, Violin Pickup and audio connection. The product is used to transform ordinary wooden guitar, Violin and folk music into electric vocal instruments without damage. The product has passed the inspection of National Quality Supervision and Inspection Center for Light Industrial Instruments (Guangzhou), and has high performance. It implements the standard Q/(HJ) QH01, and has been approved for several national patented designs. Our factory adheres to the tenet of "quality first, customer first, credit standing and sincere service", wins the trust and support of many customers, and our products are sold at home and abroad. Welcome new and old customers to patronize cooperation and common development.