展商名称 Edgar Russ
Company Name Edgar Russ
Address VVia Mauro Macchi 2a - 26100 Cremona - Italy
电话 +39 0372 24395
传真 idem
网址 www.violincellomaker.com
电子邮箱 edgar@eruss.it
展馆号 4号馆 / HALL 4
展位号 4D009
Introduction Carefully worked thicknesses, a finely tuned bassbar, a perfectly aligned neck with the angle at just the right position, and finally, a sound post inserted with absolute precision, patience and passion allow an instrument the greatest possibility of expression: a big and powerful Italian sound that touches the soul and offers the finest acoustical results. Master Russ uses well and natural seasoned wood, which he carefully selects based on the acoustic qualities of the wood and its grain direction. Thanks to his more than thirty years of experience and his collaboration with the best makers in the world, he has achieved such a command of his craft that the technical and artistic aspects of his work blend perfectly to produce instruments of the highest aesthetic and acoustic qualities. Master Russ absolutely respects the harmony between sound and instrument and for this reason exclusively uses an amber based linseed oil varnish that frees the sound. Perfection is in the detail and you will find that these instruments satisfy even the most demanding players. Master Russ will also show instruments of very high quality, which are made in his workshop by his employee.