展商名称 北京星海福音琴业有限公司
Company Name Beijing XingHai For-Tune Musical Instrument Co., Ltd.
地址 北京市东城区夕照寺中街四号星海宏昌大厦A座609室
Address No.4, XiZhaoSi Middle Street, ChongWen District, Beijing, P.R.C
电话 010-67111197
传真 010-67111197
网址 www.xinghai-fuyin.com
电子邮箱 info@xinghai-fuyin.com
展馆号 4号馆 / HALL 4
展位号 4F003
产品简介 北京星海福音琴业有限公司是北京最著名的琴弦和精品小提琴盒制造商。 公司业务开始于1992年,在成立初期,即由原北京提琴厂的老技师主管技术和质量控制,从而延续了原北京提琴厂近40年的中国琴弦和琴盒的制造工艺和水准。 时光荏苒,转眼三十多年过去了……但,我们立志要做大、做强民族品牌的梦想从未改变,我们的努力也从未停止!
Introduction We are a family business that manufactures strings for bowed instruments and violin cases. Our extensive experience and the use of the latest technology allow us to improve tradition. We are proud to invest our knowledge in creating innovative products that satisfy the needs of every musician. Thanks to the excellent teamwork of our R & D and marketing international teams and the passion of all the professionals involved in our project, our goal is to be an outstanding reference among performers, instrument makers and students.