展商名称 泰兴启娴乐器厂
Company Name Taixing Qixian Instrument Factory
地址 江苏省泰兴市古溪镇
Address Guxi Town, Taixing City, Jiangsu Province
电话 0523-87606083
传真 0523-87606083
网址 http://www.txqxyq.com/
电子邮箱 qixianyueqi@163.com
展馆号 4号馆 / HALL 4
展位号 4F006
产品简介 泰兴启娴乐器厂是以乐器及配件制造、进出口贸易为基础的企业。产品远销美国、德国、日本、巴西、香港等多个国家和地区。公司连续多年荣获全国质量先进企业。 公司秉承“诚信为本,以质取胜”的经营理念,以先进文化发展企业,以产业繁荣促进文化发展,全面推进企业的各项建设,实施全球化、科技化品牌战略。
Introduction Taixing Qixian Instrument Factory is a company based on the manufacture of musical instruments and accessories, import and export trade. Products are exported to the United States, Germany, Japan, Brazil, Hong Kong and other countries and regions. The company has won the National quality advanced enterprise for many years. The company adheres to the business concept of "honesty based and quality wins", develops enterprises with advanced culture, promotes cultural development with industrial prosperity, promotes the construction of enterprises in an all-round way, and implements a global and technology-oriented brand strategy.