展商名称 深圳市佐耳乐器有限公司
地址 深圳市龙岗区
Address Longgang District, Shenzhen
电话 18589062110
网址 www.acouway-music.com
电子邮箱 sales@acouway-music.com
展馆号 2号馆 / HALL 2
展位号 2B008
产品简介 深圳市佐耳乐器有限公司主营ACOUWAY品牌尤克里里及卡洪鼓,款式新颖,形式多样,为音乐爱好者打造最贴心音乐伴侣。 公司早期2014年在香港成立,主要以外贸为主,因其品质优良从而受到了国外各个地区音乐爱好者的追捧,并且迅速将市场扩大至整个东南亚。在ACOUWAY品牌国际化的同时,中国内地也掀起了尤克里里潮,ACOUWAY品牌也逐步将市场扩展至内地。 经过不断的努力和发展,ACOUWAY已成为了国外尤克里里市场为大家所熟知的品牌。佐耳乐器的设计团队一贯坚持生态创新的设计理念,简约大方的设计风格,及时借鉴吸取国际最新设计理念,结合广大用户的需求,不断出品具有专业水准、完美音色和独特设计的尤克里里。 佐耳乐器在琴体、琴颈、弦钮等不同部位根据其不同功能特点,在设计选料和搭配上精选最合理且完美的材料。面板、侧板和底板采用文理顺直、疏密均匀并经过特殊工艺处理的高档进口木材,确保面板和背侧板能够充分振动共鸣,发出最和谐悠扬的声音。佐耳乐器坚持精工品质,彰显工匠精神,在创新过程中不断的建立和完善标准,精益求精,确保出厂的每把尤克里里品质到位。
Introduction Shenzhen Zoole Musical Instrument Co., Ltd. is mainly engaged in ACOUWAY brand ukulele and Kahong drum. It is fashionable and has various forms, creating the most intimate music companion for music lovers.         The company was established in Hong Kong in early 2014. It is mainly based on foreign trade. Because of its high quality, it has been sought after by music lovers from all over the world, and has rapidly expanded the market to Southeast Asia. At the same time as the ACOUWAY brand is internationalized, the ukrainian tide has also started in mainland China, and the ACOUWAY brand has gradually expanded its market to the mainland. Through continuous efforts and development, ACOUWAY has become a well-known brand in the foreign ukulele market. The design team of Zoar Musical Instrument has consistently adhered to the design concept of ecological innovation, simple and generous design style, timely learning from the latest international design concepts, combined with the needs of users, constantly producing ukulele with professional level, perfect tone and unique design. . In the different parts of the body, neck, and string knobs, the Zor instruments are selected from the most reasonable and perfect materials in designing materials and matching. The panel, side panel and bottom panel adopt high-grade imported wood with straightforward, uniform and uniform processing and special processing to ensure that the panel and the back side panel can fully vibrate and resonate, and the most harmonious and melodious sound is emitted. Zoar musical instruments adhere to the quality of precision, show the spirit of craftsmanship, constantly establish and improve standards in the process of innovation, and strive to ensure that every ukulele quality in the factory is in place.