展商名称 贵州苏音乐器有限公司
Company Name Guizhou suyin musical instruments Co., Ltd
地址 贵州省遵义市正安县经济开发区吉他园区
Address Guizhou zunyi zheng'an international guitar industrial park
电话 18666016032
网址 www.suyinguitar.com
电子邮箱 421035433@qq.com
展馆号 2号馆 / HALL 2
展位号 2A006
产品简介 贵州苏音乐器有限公司,是一家集乐器研发制作和乐器批发的公司,立足于正安·国际吉他产业园,公司主要产品为吉他、尤克里里、乐器配件等等,旗下拥有“苏音”、“星空Starry Night”、“玩美”三大品牌,公司注重品牌效应,抓细节、重信用,保证产品质量,以多款式经营特色和自主创新的原则,赢得了广大经销商的信任与好评! Starry Night -- 星空品牌,作为苏音乐器的主要推广产品,创作理念来源于“黑暗中,总有一丝希望为您闪现--星空”,Starry寓意星光,Night寓意黑暗,公司自成立之初推广星空品牌吉他到现在,稳定的品质、出色的性价比、贴心的售前售后服务让客户有口皆碑! 公司于2018年夏季推出了以公司名为品牌的“苏音”高端手工系列,由于公司的主创品牌为Starry Night星空品牌,所以“苏音”品牌的高端手工系列产品主要以夜空中闪亮的星作为命名,原材料挑选了各种珍贵的高配实木单板,外观上采用了镶嵌等大手笔,并标配进口的伊利克斯琴弦以及德荣高档金色弦钮,突破了Starry Night星空系列产品的简约风格,有更为漂亮的外观颜值以及更出色的声音表现!
Introduction Guizhou Su Yin musical instrument co., LTD., is a collection of instrument research and development production and wholesale companies, based on international Yu Zhengan guitar industrial park, the company main products are guitar, especially in the kerry, instrument accessories, etc., which owns "Su Yin", "the Starry Night sky", "playing the" three major brands, the company pays attention to brand effect, emphasizing details, heavy credit, ensure the quality of products, with much management pattern characteristic and the principle of independent innovation, to win the majority of dealers trust and high praise! Starry Night - star brand, as the main product promotion of Su Yin instruments, creation concept comes from "in the dark, there is always a glimmer of hope for you blink - star", Starry implication starlight, Night, the darkness at the beginning of the company since the establishment brand star guitar until now, stable quality, excellent cost-effective, thoughtful pre-sale after-sales service for customer is well-established. Company launched to in the summer of 2018, the company called "Su Yin" brand series of high-end manual, because the company's senior brand Starry Night sky, so "Su Yin" brand high-end manual series products mainly in the Night sky shining star as named, picked out the all kinds of precious raw materials of high solid wood veneer, Mosaic, etc) has been used in appearance, and the standard of import yili, high-grade gold tuning the strings and DE jong, broke the Starry Night sky series products contracted style, has a more beautiful appearance appearance level and better performance!