Address Piazza Roma, 8 26100 - Cremona ITALY
电话 +39 3891127322
网址 www.fernandolimaviolin.com
电子邮箱 fernandocremona@gmail.com
展馆号 4号馆 / HALL 4
展位号 4D005
产品简介 费尔南多·利马是一位小提琴制作大师, 在制作高品质小提琴和中提琴和大提琴方 面拥有不断增长的全球声誉,他正在成 长为世界上最受尊敬的小提琴制作大师之 一,他的奉献使他抓住伟大的意大利大师 的手工艺术的精髓,特别是克雷莫纳人的 精神。他手工制作他的乐器,恪守意大利 克雷莫纳17和18世纪制作大师的理想和工 作方法,他的琴漆也是由他使用在十七世 纪可用的材料和技术。每把费尔南多·利 马的乐器是一个独特的艺术创作。他在克 雷莫纳 - 意大利开设了自己的工作室, 他目前在那里工作。他的决心实现卓越的 声音类似于伟大的瓜奈里·耶稣小提琴的 声音,这种高要求使他能够制作出音色 极其美妙的乐器,受到世界各地著名音 乐家的欣赏,被人们称为瓜奈里“耶稣” 在世。今天,他制作斯特拉迪瓦里和瓜奈 里·耶稣乐器的复制品,遵循伟大的克雷 莫纳大师的传统制作方法。他对制作声音 出色和外表美丽的高品质的乐器充满热情 及奉献精神。
Introduction Fernando Salvatore Lima was born in 1962 in the city of Santa Maria da Feira. He works and lives in Cremona , his workshop is in the center of the city in Piazza Roma , were he works alone in making fine violins, violas and Cellos. He Graduated in the violin making school in Cremona “Antonio Stradivari” internationally recognized Diploma, were he finished with highest grades He works always with old wood and of the best quality, that he collects for many years. The varnish is his own recipe and is known for its beauty and transparency, It was considered at in 2011 at Cremona instrument exhibition by many musicians as the most beautiful varnish in Cremona in the present days. For may years Fernando Lima has dedicated his life to the art of instrument making , researching to archive the perfection of sound like the good old Italian instruments. The Cremona Masters of the past are his great inspiration, Guarneri del Gesu , Antonio Stradivari, and others from this period of time, so in his work you can see the care even in small details . He makes specially copies of old Italian instruments The quality of sound is also recognized and appreciated by many musicians all over the world some concert masters and soloists , some of them are Igor Ozim, Lidia Baich , Valentin Stefanoff, Vadim Tsibulevky , Anke Schittenhelm, Viktor Petek, Felice Cusano, Mikhaïl Bezverkhny and many others. All musicians that try Fernando Lima Instruments are supriesed buy the quality of sound and sometimes they find hard to belive its a new instrument, beacoseThey sound like an old italian instruments.