展商名称 天津劳伦斯乐器有限公司
Company Name Tianjin Lawrence Musical Instrument Co.,Ltd
地址 天津市武清区曹子里镇小高口工业园区
Address XiaoGaoKou Industrial Park,Caozili Town,Wuqing,Tianjin,China
电话 +86-13752499616
网址 www.Lawrencemusic.com.cn
电子邮箱 Lawrence@Lawrencemusic.com.cn
展馆号 1号馆一层B / HALL 1B
展位号 1B703
产品简介 本公司经销全世界著名“劳伦斯”品牌乐器产品,包括:高音竖笛、乐谱架、大谱台、吉他架、电子琴架、麦克风架、电子琴凳等。劳伦斯在拉丁语中是‘桂冠’的意思,是胜利的象征。公司本着“质量占市场、品种赢客户、创新求发展、管理出效益”的使命与价值观为国内外客户提供最优质的乐器产品。
Introduction We mainly offer “Lawrence” famous brand musical instruments all over the world. Including: Soprano Recorder, Music Stand, Guitar Stand,Keyboard Stand,Microphone Stand,Keyboard Stool,Etc.Lawrence in Latin is 'crown' of meaning is a symbol of victory. In the company of "quality of the market, the variety and win customers, innovation and development, management efficiency," the mission and values of domestic and international customers the best quality musical instruments.