展商名称 东莞市宝睿硅胶制品有限公司
Company Name Dongguan Baorui Silicon Co.,Ltd
地址 广东省东莞市虎门镇顺地工业路12号
Address No.12 Shundi Industrial Zone,Dongfeng Management area,Humen town,Dongguan city .
电话 0769-81680721
传真 0769-85041858
网址 http://www.baorui99.com
电子邮箱 1187663468@qq.com
展馆号 1号馆一层B / HALL 1B
展位号 1B607
产品简介 东莞市宝睿硅胶制品有限公司是专业生产手卷钢琴、电子琴、折叠钢琴、架子鼓、硅胶电子鼓的制造商。   公司集产品设计、研发、生产、营销手卷钢琴、手卷架子鼓为一体,拥有200多名员工。全自动流水装配线,拥有一支成熟、稳健的管理、技术队伍,管理体统完善。在社会各界朋友的大力支持下,公司得以迅速发展壮大。公司秉承“质量至上,信誉至上”的宗旨。自公司成立以来,产品一直深受国、内外广大消费者的信赖。
Introduction Dongguan city Baorui Silicone products limited company is located in a beautiful and comfortable town - Humen town. Our company is set up in 2003, with more than 6000 square meters working factories, and more than 200 workers. We have more than 13 years of experience in research and development. Our company is a high-technology enterprise that first set self-design, development, producing Flexible circuit film and Silicone products for the integration in China. 