展商名称 广州新文乐器有限公司
Company Name Guangzhou Xinwen Instrnment Manufactring Co.Ltd
地址 广东省广州市白云区石井镇滘心村
Address Baiyun District,Guangzhou City
电话 020-26277873
传真 0086-20-26277873
网址 http://www.kimmy-guitar.com/
电子邮箱 776095470@qq.com
展馆号 2号馆 / HALL 2
展位号 2B003
产品简介 本公司自2013年创立起初一直秉承着:质量保证,诚信第一,合作共赢 ,秉承“让心情快乐工作、让音乐改变生活”的文化理念。形成了公司的企业文化和企业的思想价值观,保证了企业持续、健康、稳定的发展。公司主要生产:民谣吉他/古典吉他/尤克里里,以及吉他周边配件.
Introduction Since its inception in 2013, the company has been adhering to the following cultural concepts: quality assurance, integrity first, win-win cooperation, and "let the mood work happily, let music change life". Formed the company's corporate culture and corporate values, to ensure the sustainable, healthy and stable development of enterprises. The company mainly produces: folk guitar/classical guitar/Ukrainian guitar, as well as guitar accessories.