展商名称 北京海源提琴制作室
Company Name Haiyuan Violin Family Workshop
地址 北京市通州区张湾镇柳营
Address Liuying Zhangwan Town Tongzhou District Beijing
电话 010-62255327
网址 www.hyviolin.cn
电子邮箱 13601258780@163.com
展馆号 4号馆 / HALL 4
展位号 4D021
产品简介 海源提琴历经20年,在产品质量上求精艺,在技术上求创新,赢得了客户及消费者充分的信赖!在此真诚地感谢新老客户的支持!
Introduction During the 20 years, Haiyuan violin has won the full trust of clients with our high quality and innovative products. We sincerely thank the support of new and old customers!