展商名称 天津奥维斯乐器有限公司
Company Name Tianjin Oves Musical Instrument CO.,LTD.
地址 天津市静海区蔡公庄镇四党口中村
电话 022-68516619
网址 www.tj-oves.com
电子邮箱 tjoves@tjovesmusical.com
展馆号 1号馆一层B / HALL 1B
展位号 1B208
产品简介 公司现占地3万平方米,建筑面积1.5万平方米。主要生产长笛、萨克斯、小号、长号、圆号、上低音号、低音号及行进类乐器一百多种花色。现年产西管乐器10万支,出口量占总量的90%,产品畅销50多个国家和地区。
Introduction Our company area is 30000 squar meters & Floor space is 15000 square meters. Our mainly products are flute, saxophone, trumpet, trombones, French Horn, Euphonium , bass tuba and marching horn including more than 100 varieties. Currently our capacity per year is over 100000 pcs musical instruments , 90% of them are all for export to more than 50 overseas countries.